Cambridge University Library has today officially launched eresources@cambridge
The new site aims to provide library users with seamless access to a growing collection of subscribed electronic resources. It also has a redesigned help section, covering journal and database access for on and off campus users.
Users can also search for article citations and full text resources by using CrossSearch, a new federated searching service.
With CrossSearch, it is possible to simultaneously search over 300 key including CSA, Web of Science, Science Direct and major ejournal providers. In the advanced CrossSearch interface, multiple subject areas or specific resources can be searched at once. Users can order results with relevancy ranking and clustering options, then view citations and full text in the original native interface.
CrossSearch is available direct within the Cambridge domain(including the computers in the Medical Library’s Wolfson Room. External (off campus) access is offered to University staff and students via their Raven username and password.
eresources@cambridge is the first step in a series of initiatives from the University Library aimed at promoting eresource use amongst all groups of Cambridge users.
It is available today at