“A rolling stone gathers no moss” – or so the saying goes.
We’ve enjoyed the new facilities of Phase 1 of our redevelopment – the new computer room for the students upstairs and the new reception area and staff offices.
Phase 2 of the redevelopment is about to start, and will last October – Christmas 2009.
The main changes will be:
- transformation of the corridor leading from reception to the books, into offices for the Clinical School
- re-arrangement of the journal collection
How will Phase 2 impact upon you?
- From Monday 28th September the only route from Reception to the books will be from past the Current Journals and via the Wolfson Room corridor.
- There will inevitably be disruption with the noise of the building works – we’re sorry about the inconvenience this will cause.
The builders move in on 5th October 2009. - There will be a short period of disruption as we rearrange the journal shelving – we will signpost as well as possible, but if you cannot find the journal you need please ask at Reception for assistance.
- While the building work is in progress we shall also be reorganising the current journal display area and adjacent space to improve the study facilities, with the intention of completing this work by Christmas.
It’s going to be an interesting next three months!